Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, I never said I'd be a good blogger!
Since August, I've finished five MPH classes and begun a search for a job.
We visited our son in Florida and had a wonderful five days at Disney with him, his lady, and her parents (and our daughter).
And took The Daughter back to school.
And picked up four more foster Chin, one of whom has already gone to his forever home.
and gotten the stomach flu twice, cutting me out of a lovely event right in town that I was supposed to run but had to leave on autopilot so I could go to the ER for dehydration. Figures.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


I used to be a busy old lady. Now, I'm just a student again.
Since it took me til 2004 to finish my BS degree, I thought I'd see how long it would take for a MS. Ended up in a MPH program, heading for disaster management (isn't that oxymoronic?). So far, I've taken 1 class, and nearly finished a second.